Typhus (or panleukopenia) Contagious disease caused by a virus resulting in severe gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea), and progressing to death in 90% of cases in kittens. The disease is very easily transmitted, the virus responsible for being very resistant in the outside environment. It has become infrequent in France today, notably thanks to vaccination. The coryza
It is a highly contagious respiratory disease resulting in a cold and conjunctivitis resulting in sneezing, watery eyes and a cough. It can also be accompanied by a drop in appetite and sometimes cause oral lesions (ulcers on the tongue). Coryza can lead to respiratory or ocular sequelae and in extreme cases progress to the death of the animal. This disease is very common, it represents about 90% of respiratory diseases of the cat. Cats of all ages and all breeds are affected, regardless of their gender. This disease is caused by viruses. The most common are the calicivirus and herpes virus.
Even if the cat heals symptoms, it can still carry the virus and continue to infect other cats.
Bacterial, contagious disease resulting in conjunctivitis sometimes accompanied by rhinitis and occasionally pneumonia. This disease can in some cases progress to death.
Feline leukosis
It is caused by a retrovirus, the feline leukemogenic virus ( FelV in English abbreviation ) mainly resulting in the appearance of tumors and immunosuppression which will settle gradually. Contamination of cats can be done through saliva (in the event of a bite or licking), through shared litter boxes, through nose-to-nose contact, and the mother’s milk when nursing kittens.
Wrongly called “Cat AIDS”, it is the most frequent disease of this species. This disease exclusively affects cats, it is not transmissible to humans. There are very simple blood tests to check if the cat is infected with the virus.
“Cat AIDS” is caused by another virus, FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), close to FelV. IVF is not transmissible to humans. In the same way as for humans, there is currently no vaccine to prevent this disease. The transmission of this virus is mainly by biting, during fights. As with the FelV,
Rabies is a contagious disease, transmissible to humans. It results in nervous disorders necessarily leading to death. It is subject to strict health surveillance which requires vaccination for all cats living in the area declared infected. It is also compulsory in the case of imports and most often in the case of exports (inquire at the embassy of the exporting country).